Saturday, October 16, 2010

Birthday birthdayy (!)

Woaihhh aku dah besar sekarangg yeh yeh , tahuu dahh , tua dahh . cehhwahh merajukk jap . wehh nak hadiahh . errr , tak apa aku tunggu lambat pun tak apa .

Anyway , thanks to You guys who wish birthday to me , through cellphones and facebook . Gilaa admire I ayat korangg tu , sooo suu-wwweeeettt (: ngee .

HAHA , thanks for the wishes , adalah dalam dua orang wish awal sebab nak tido dah kan cehhwahh .

Through phones & facebook thanks tau , HAHA I appreciate it sorry nak tulis nama sorang sorangg tak larat . But A big thanks , hugs and kisses from me to whom wishes me .

To my Sayang , eytt , errr thanks for the wish ea . saya suka sangatt malam semalam tuu terharu -.-' Just like I cakapp I tak minta apa , I want You by my side , bolehh kan ? HAHA Nanti I curi masa bagi hadiah dekat You okeyy , tak terbagi pun lagikk (:

A B C , 1 2 3 I love You , guys . xoxo :aleeya (:


  1. Hey there,
    sorry for this late wish. Kite ni dh takde fesbukk. Number awak pun dah takde. Haha so lambat sikit wish, maaf la ye. Anyway,

    Happy belated super sweet 17th birthday to you.
    Semoga pjg umur, murah rezeki, and have a blast, dear ♥ -PH

  2. HAHA terima kasih lahh awak wish <3 weee
