Sunday, November 22, 2009

surveyy -.-'

Do you have brothers & sisters?
yeah i have one sister and two brothers .

What are their names?
aira shazwani
amir haziq
azim haikal

Is there a scissor near by?
HAHAAH mesti lahh takk sape nak main scissor wehh ?

Did you get lost today?
no , im playing laptop and listening to ipod , not going anywhere .

Are you wearing something red? What is it?
HAHA not wearing but im eating apple :)

Was yesterday sunday?
today is -.-'

Last awful thing you smelled?
idk .

Have you ever been pregnant?
HAHAHA gilaa pehh ?

Have you ever had to clean up puke?
yeah , my cat . manyy times kott ,

Last party you went to, where was it?
hmm , no party , lagipun mak aku tak kasi keluar buat masa skrg .

Did you have a good time?
i think so .

Can you drive stick shift?
HAHAH i prefer auto and stick shift please .

Do you have work tomorrow?
HAHAH go to gym maybeee .

What time do you have to be there?
depends on me :)

Are you thirsty?
sekarang tak ahh .

What's your favorite soda?
entah lahh bandung soda . i think ,

What was the last thing to scare you?
my PMR results .

Who did you last share a cigarette with?
i dont smoke .

Did you have a good childhood?
banyak berpindah randah so tiada .

Who do you remember most from your childhood,​​first and last names?
*none .

Are both of your parents alive?
yes .

Have you ever fallen asleep in a bathroom?
nope , and tak de masa nak tido dalam tandas .

What is something you're really good at?
my father say im good at watching tv and view your computers till midnight .

What's your hidden talent?
HAHAH art mybe .

What's the name of the street you live on?
Jalan Bruas

What is the currency in your country called?
Ringit Malaysia

Could you go a whole year without smoking pot?
surely if i dont do that stuff , pfft .

Are you into drugs?

Are you afraid of heights?
entah lahh biasa jeh tgok .


50/50 .

Best rollercoaster?
tak nak naik pun .

Last time you went to a zoo?
Singapore Zoo .

Last city you visited?
my hometown, Sitiawan / City Awan :D

What color was the last thing you drank out of?
nooo i dont drink

What does your purse/bag look like and how much did you pay for it?
HAHA purse ? recycle kot . *kakak punya carlo rino .

Did you/will you help pay for your first car in any way?
by filling the tank using my own cash

Do you watch World's Strictest Parents?
apa tuuuu .

Could you ever be on a show like that?
tak lahh , buat malu jehh .

What's a weird food you like?
AHAHHA entah ahh .

What room in your house is the biggest?
my parents

Has your bedroom ever been painted lime green?

Would you want that?

Ever had your lip pierced?

Are you old enough to get piercings or tattoos without a parent?
HAHA in islam its nott good :)

Do you have a boyfriend/​​girlfriend?​​
no but trying to get one in universityy .

Does being single on valentines day bother you?
tak sambut pun if ada couple .

What do you think of no sex before marriage?
its good , and we can know that he/she is still virgin . cehh .

Do you feel drowsy?
a liltle

Are you texting anyone right now?
tak de credit nak text sapee ?

What color is the shirt you're wearing?
piglet pink .

Where did you buy the pants you're wearing?
HAHAH idk -.-'

Do you own purple pants?
yeahh .

When was the last time you wore converse sneakers?
i dont have one .

Would you rather be dancing?
yes please . prom night for sure .

We're all gunna be doomed in 2012 .. what do you think?
HAHAH i think so .

Is there a towel nearby?

How do you get to the nearest bathroom from where you're sitting?
HAHA go straight dont belok belok .

What's the longest amount of time you've gone without brushing your teeth?
HAHAH waktu babyy kot paling lama .

Do you talk to your dad daily?
takk selalu . ikot mood dia -.-'

When was the last time you spoke to your grandparents?
Hari Raya 2009 :)

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